When the Entrance Chant is concluded,
the Priest and the faithful, standing,sign themselves with the Sign of the Cross,
while the Priest, facing the people, says:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
The people reply: Amen.

***100 Q: The people are gathered to be what?

5 Points: A:

2 Points: To be the Church
3 Points: or the assembly of God.

***101 Q: Whose the altar is the symbol?

5 Points: A: The altar is the symbol of our Lord Jesus:

2 Points: it re-presents Jesus,
3 Points: and in Him are present God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

***102 Q: What for do the Priest and the ministers represent all of us?

5 Points: A: They represent all of us to approach God:

1 Point: this is a procession,
3 Points: that means we, the pilgrim Church,
1 Point: are going to God.

***103 Q: What is the vocation of human beings?

10 Points: A:

2 Points: Our human,
3 Points: and especially, Christian vocation, is to go to God,
1 Point: to approach God,
1 Point: to be in God,
2 Points: to rest in God.
1 Point: That's the deep meaning of the celebration of Mass.

***104 Q: Why do we have to sing?

5 Points: A:

2 Points: We sing out of joy
3 Points: because in the proceeding of Mass we are approaching our God, our Jesus.

***105 Q: Why do we have to sing together?

10 Points: A: We sing together

2 Points: to be one with the Priest and the ministers,
3 Points: and through them, with the whole Church,
3 Points: the whole Body of Christ,
2 Points: in our communitarian procession to God.

***106 Q: What is the effect of singing together?

5 Points: A:

2 Points: Because singing together,
3 Points: especially singing a well-known chant, is one of the most
efficient ways to be really united body and heart.
(See Scoring 107-111)